Monday, December 17, 2007

dreamt i was with my 'crew' (friends) from high school, at some house of a family friends. i was taking care of this house for them. we were having somekind of party, and just hanging out and chatting (like we always do)... then the owner (woman) of the house called me and asked "why is Yuda Braun moving in the house?", and me feeling nervous since in the dream (in reality too?) yuda has a reputation of being a trouble maker/big mess maker...
i think i really miss my friends and its starting to pop up in the dream...

i also vaguely remember making out with (i think it was) "A" in my dream, but can't remember the details too well...
well - i know where that comes from... too much office flirtation...

dreamt i was in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At first i was walking down a corridor and bumped into someone who i thought was Ariel Magal (my cousin), but it wasn't him, he looked like someone who was preparing for a presentatin and so didn't talk with me.
i kept on walking down the corridor and thought i was walking past the places where they are doing the interviews/screenings for "Yehuda Ha'Tzair" (my first job after the army, as a tour guide... which was also a job Ariel helped me to get and was one of the bosses there).
there i ran into someone who caught my hand and started pulling me up and out of the building. outside in the street i recognised Dudu Palma.
i sat down with him and told him theres "a big mess at the university", so he said "that's what it looks likes when there are so many businesses running within the university".
at this point i rememberred about my bag, and i tried looking for it, but couldn't find it because all the bags looked the same(?)...
apart from the motives of Yehuda HaTzair and my cousin - and maybe it's relation to the unviersity crowd, since most of the people i worked with were students - i think this dream is really just a release of random shit from my mind.

dreamt i was in the set of Star Wars (!!!) and met George Lucas(!!!). there were strong motives of ancient mysticism and escoterism in the movie and really good shifts(?) from scene to scene...
don't know what's going on in my head here... too much acid... anyway, once a geek - always a geek

dream a) i dreamt that ___ apologises that our first date didn't go well, but that she really likes me and wants to give it another chance.
pretty obvious what my subconcious wants.

dream b) dreamt i was in a super in china preparing for my trip, and i meet "z" and someone else (can't remember who)... but "z" acts like a snob and i tell him he hasn't changed at all.
"z" was a person who gave me alot of shit in the army... i guess it dug in deeper then i thought.

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